Tuesday 25 March 2014

Today's a Doozy - Teriyaki Chicken Stirfry

Hello Peeps and any followers I may have,

Well today I'm writing in blue to match my mood, as I told you yesterday our beautiful 4WD 'Tiny' come down with a illness we were hoping it was nothing more than a sore throat and the car doctors would fix it and send our big girl home, sadly that's not the case, she has a mystery illness and they cant find the problem O.o apparently there is no fuel pressure but have done all the tests and everything is coming up working ok, so the mechanics are stumped? they even called Ford head office to see if the problem has happened before to try to get some answer's, but no it hasn't so we are the first, and the waiting game goes on and we remain 4WDless meanwhile, so this story continues. 

 You can put any caption you like to this photo...... Hubby:  I'm not giving you my keys...noooooo .... Driver: Give em to me! lol  And as you can see 'Tiny' only just fits on the tray hahahah

OK moving on.......  well last night I was abit lazy when it come time to cook dinner (and not to mention was hoping to be going to pick Tiny up) and with us all trying to lose some weight and eat better, should firstly say we have the health police living with us, Bronze child is doing a personal trainers course and is now in the know whats good and whats not to eat......so we now watch our serving size and what we cook, so keeping in with that and looking what to cook that was both....quick and easy....wasn't as bad as I first thought so I decided to share this one with you all, as Im sure we are all in the same boat at some point, want something yummy, quick and easy.....so with pictures here it is.... 

 Teriyaki Chicken Stirfry 

But you can do any sauce you like, I cooked for 5 but had enough left over for lunch today...yum lol 

I will tell you what I had but you can use any meat or vegies you like, will still work, and add extra (veg or spices) but you have to let me know how it turned out please :) 

I had 2 large Chicken breast's that I sliced 
1 packet of Oriental stirfry vegies .... as thats what I had in my freezer
2 packets of Thick Hokkien noodles
Half a bottle of Teriyaki sauce 
Garlic - crushed
1 onion (not in pic sorry) cut in half and sliced
Chicken stock powder or cube, about 1 1/2 teaspoons or one stock cube
and I put 1 red chilli chopped fine...(up to you if you dare)  

And all from Aldi's so cheap meal to boot.

Grab your wok or fry pan and put abit of olive oil to heat and I cooked the chicken first, then removed it once it was 'almost' cooked so it doesn't dry out, and put in a bowl and set aside.
Now add abit more oil to wok and add the onion, chilli and garlic and cook for only afew minutes, then add your frozen or fresh vegies, at this stage I add alittle water to the wok, but I do mean a 'little' water so the vegies can cook and your not adding more oil, then I put the lid on for roughly 5 minutes to half cook the veg, but dont have the heat on to high or it will burn, you should be able to judge the heat, no right or wrong here =D and dont forget to give it a toss from time to time, once you are happy with how the vegies are cooking add the chicken stock powder and about 1/4 of the bottle of Teriyaki sauce (or your choice of sauce) and mix well.
Then add the chicken back into the wok and mix.
Meanwhile boil the kettle and soak the noodles in a bowl of boiling water as the packet instructions.

Here is the stirfry at this stage (without the noodles yet) 
Now once the noodles are ready, normally only takes afew minutes to separate I just used a pair of tongs to drain them and add straight into the wok then I added more sauce to taste and mixed well and serve....

Ready to eat...yummy and yes I used chop sticks, but you can fork it if you must lol so as for tonight dinner...well maybe left overs hahaha but I will post more recipes for you from time to time but please do let me know what you think :) 

I wasn't going to add this but bugger it I will....lucky I re-read this before I published it because I told you to drain the noodles with a pair of 'thongs' hahaha yes go get your best pair of thongs, not the ones you wear to the beach and drain the noodles, watch the noodles dont get caught in the toe bit lololol 

Oh and just a last thought for the day before I go...... I know what happened to the missing Malaysia Airline a UFO took it, I'm telling you it was beamed up by a UFO. 

Cheers Lisa.


  1. hi lisa
    enjoying ur blog .

  2. Thank you Anonymous for letting me know :) and please drop me a line from time to time
    Cheers =D
