Thursday 27 March 2014

What a Drag

Well looks like I'm talking to my self here or no one liked yesterdays blog lol but it's ok I'll happily chat away to my self.
Well what a drag yesterday was, phhhfffft hope that day doesn't repeat it self in a hurry :( 
Firstly not getting any answer's about our car and them having no idea what is wrong with her is getting quite frustrating, and yesterday we were offered a hire car, BUT if our car turn's out to be the bad fuel that was the problem then it doesn't come under warranty and we have to pay for the car hire, just to rub even more salt on the wound, hoping its not bad fuel so everything is paid for *fingers crossed*

Anyway enough about that.....whats for dinner tonight? hmmm haven't even looked in the freezer yet, my bad, last night was a simple dinner beef spare ribs and salad, but you had to eat 50 ribs just for a snack as there is very little meat on them, but it helps with this diet with smaller servings, thats my current problem, I try to tell my self at dinner time, "remember Lisa smaller servings on your plate", but my hands keep ignoring me pffft but Im getting better, (yeah keep telling yourself that Lisa) 

I have a few recipes I am going to share with you in the coming weeks, and all quick and easy, and good for weight loss or keeping trim so I'll get stuck into that and take photo's.

Tip for the day: Don't sneeze while driving, not as easy as you think.

And yes part of this blog has been removed as I got on my high horse and have thought better of it, so sorry today's blog is alot shorter lol   


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